Multiaspect Introduction of the Development and Application of Conveyors |
Publisher:admin Click:4567 |
The material handling conveyor transports material continuous on a fixed route.It also can be called continuous handling conveyor. Conveyor are available for horizontal ,inclined and vertical conveying .And also it can be composed of space transmission lines. Usually the transmission line is fixed .Conveyors have large capacity ,long conveying distance ,available for finishing much work during conveying process ,wide application . In 1868 ,the belt conveyor came out in United Kingdom .In 1887,the screw conveyor/spiral conveyor came out in United State .In 1905 ,the steel belt conveyor came out in Switzerland .In 1906 ,the Inertial conveyor came out in United Kingdom and Germany . From then on ,conveyors were continuous improved by the progress in mechanical manufacturing ,electrical motor ,chemical and metallurgical industry . . Roller Conveyors’ work unit is a series of rollers ,as roller rotation to convey materials Screw Conveyor’s work component is screw .Screw rotaries in the trough to push materials along the trough .Vibration Conveyor’s work component is trough .The trough is for reciprocating to transport materials . Pneumatic conveying equipment, hydraulic transmission device and the container-type devices to piped gas or liquid medium in the pipeline for the transportation of materials. Most conveyors are driven by electric drive , Internal combustion engine , Pneumatic driven or hydraulic driven . Main Parameter Generally based on the requirements of material handling systems, material handling location conditions, the production process and material characteristics to determine the main parameters. ① transmission capacity: the transmission capacity of conveyor refers to the amount of material transported per unit time .( When conveying bulk materials ,it is calculated by conveying materials’ mass or volume per hour .When conveying pieces of goods, ,it is calculated by piece per hour .② Conveying Speed: improving the conveying speed can improve the conveying capacity .When using conveyor belt as traction equipment and conveying distance is long ,conveying speed is increased day by day .But high rotation’s belt conveyor need to be careful about vibration ,noise ,start and stop ,etc .For chains as traction’s conveyor ,speed should be small ,so as to prevent the power from increasing a lot . ③Component size :conveyor’s component’s size include conveying belt’s width ,plate width ,volume of silo ,diameter of pipe and container .Because these size influence directly the conveying capacity of conveyors . ④ Conveying distance and inclination angle :conveying distance’s length and inclination angle influence directly conveyors ’total resistors and necessary power . Development Trend of Conveyors:①To continue developing large scale .The large scale includes large capacity ,large length and large inclination and others aspects .Water conveyor’s installment’s length has reached over |
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